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Segmented Hypergraphics Bitmap  |  1994-03-03  |  154KB  |  378x630  |  8-bit (256 colors)
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OCR: SMALL INVESTOR INDEX INDEX Change from a INDIVIDUALS START Morth Year Manth iYear TO WORRY ABOUT Scp. earlier Barliel earliBl earlier PRICEY STOCKS 106.18 104.51 1.60 10.54% the Dow Jones industrial aver- 100 age pafins to one record high after 10. another in August small investors grew increasingly nerrous about 102 the lofty U.S. stock market, accord. 100 ing to data gathered for MONEY magazine's Small Investor Index C1=s.1 Many responded by moving money overseas They added ONDU FMAHJTA net billion to international stock mutual funds August up from $1.5 billion July, and $781 mil- The average individual investor's lion to foreign puaq funds UD portfolio gained $749 in August and from S416 million month earlier, now stands at 628 according AMG Data Services LATEST CHANGES FOR Change froma ...